Saka Winemaker

November 6, 2018

MRM Imbibe: Cannabis-Infused, Alcohol-Removed

Cannabis-Infused, Alcohol-Removed House of Saka, Inc. announces the launch of Saka Wines, the world’s first luxury line of cannabis-infused, alcohol-removed wines from Napa Valley. Saka’s Sparkling Brut Rosé and still Rosé wines are blended with a proprietary formulation of tasteless, odorless water-soluble […]
November 6, 2018

Saka Wines Launches World’s First Cannabis-Infused Alcohol-Removed Sparkling Brut and Still Rose’ Wines From Napa Valley

House of Saka to be the quintessence of infused luxury by and for women. NAPA VALLEY, Calif., Nov. 6, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — House of Saka, Inc. announces the launch of Saka Wines, the world’s first luxury line of cannabis-infused, alcohol-removed […]
November 6, 2018

Cannabis Infused Saka Wines Launches Luxury Line

The Napa Valley-based House of Saka has launched its first luxury line of cannabis-infused wines. These wines don’t have any alcohol in them, but they do have THC and CBD derived from organic craft cannabis. The first releases include a still […]
November 6, 2018

Cannabis Beer And Wine Are Here, But Are They Here To Stay?

As recreational cannabinoids become legal in more U.S. states, a fight is brewing between legislators and alcohol producers over cannabis-infused booze. All the while, the science of cannabis-infused alcohol is still unclear. 2018 is shaping up to be a big […]
November 1, 2018

The Ultimate Infusion: Weed & Wine

How do we take a good thing like wine and make it even better? Infuse it with cannabis. This may seem like a stoners quest to combine two properties with the goal of simply achieving a product that will elevate […]